Our old earth of hate, fear, division, poverty, depression, loneliness and pain will fade away.

A new earth will emerge! O.N.E. of love, unity, prosperity, joy, community and health that becomes the beginning of amazing life experiences as God intended! Better relationships. FREEDOM! SOVEREIGNTY!

We must stop allowing them to shade us with their perverted perception of life, and begin to study and do our own research, on what life is REALLY ABOUT!


Our public school system has failed us! Even many of the private/christian schools are following the beat of the Illuminati drum. Even if they don’t realize it. Compliance to this fake pandemic will not bring our freedoms back. We are not even in the top 20 on the world “stage” for education. And in the meantime with all of these horrifying mandates implemented against OUR CHILDREN, it’s time the people take back their power, and take their children out of this so-called “school system” that is destroying our youth! And what are they really learning? How to be sexualized for pedophiles? How to be racist? How to be confused about their gender? How to learn just enough to be a good little, conditioned workers for the billionaires of the world? While they reap all of the benefits off of our sweat equity? That belongs to us, not them.

To entrust government with the power of determining education which our children shall receive is entrusting our servant with the power of the master.

Frederick the Great

At One New Earth, we value and love children! They will be the backbone of our society one day, and we need to nurture them with love & truth, which will spark their creativity and divine path to do amazing things in their lives! To live a rich and full life that they will love and be proud of! Where love is the answer, emotional maturity is achieved in all of us one day, and respect and honor are shared amongst all! Where health is wealth, not the next iPhone. The next Mercedes. The next new toy. And as it relates to school, even the next A+ or perhaps F which can spiral a child into depression if they cannot keep up with the others. What are we doing to our children?

Children and even us as adults have the capacity to learn so much more than we have learned in our life-span. The problem is, that we have been corrupted by the Deep-state strong arm that controls the media. They use MK Ultra, mind control, and study the mind of humans on how they can deceive us. Control us. Using fear and division. Inject sexual images and symbols into our sub-conscious minds, that can wreak all kinds of havoc later on in life if unchecked. Funneling money into every dividing organization out there. Because there are people out there who do not have a connection and will do anything for money. And our children are sat in front of it like a baby-sitter watching mind-melting garbage, when they could be filling their minds with



It’s time to stand in our sovereignty, and realize that the world we grew up to know, is all an illusion. A LIE!

Start connecting with people in your community who are awake.

STAND in the truth!

STAND in authenticity!

And begin to create your life outside of the system. Because unless you are prepared, you are going to be left with a choice. To live in the system, or die in it. Forced vaccinations are coming. Are you ready to stand for the truth? Stand in your sovereignty? They can’t do this to us!

I encourage you to look into Common Law. Embrace these values that will bring us out of the old matrix, and into a new earth of love and prosperity. It is only a matter of time before all of the corruption is exposed. Don’t be the one that completely missed out on what is coming! Assemble and start taking your sovereignty back, one piece at a time. And then teach others to do the same. They need us to need them. Be in a place where you are not dependent on them. Grow your own food. Study and be your own advocate for you and your children. Become healthy and stop worshiping big pharma. Be who God intended you to be!

It’s Alice & Wonderland

Everything is inverted! Backwards! They do this to us on purpose so that we are always confused. In fear. Yet, too busy with work and trying to squeeze lift into the little time we have. This is all by design. In the meantime we mind melt to Netflix series and HBO specials. Cartoon Network and the Comedy Channel. Do you notice all of the debauchery? Swearing? Sexual innuendos? If you do not, perhaps start noticing the under aged girls. The satanic symbols. The indoctrination into Marxist beliefs. Do you not realize that these media “programs” have been created to “program” you? They are “channeling” their information directly to you using colors, psychology, perversion to re-wire your brain. Program you. Fill your mind with debauchery. Discourage you from searching out the truth about life as you stalk Instagram and Tik-tok videos.

It’s important we are connected to God! If not, we can easily be fooled by the controllers who use their cabal system to fool you into believing their lies. I urge you to ask God to impart TRUTH in you. Using the “Tell-lies-to-your-vision”, we pay to be brainwashed.